Thursday 12 May 2016

Tech tip #20 -SDS email tip and more

Dear Colleagues,

Here is a tip for using SDS more efficiently…

Using SDS to send regular emails.
If you would like to send an email to a group using your regular email, you can do this easily with SDS.

For example: On the student info (links and reports) page...
Right click "(Regular Email)" beside "Email [Student's] Teachers
Select "Copy Email Address" from Drop down Menu
Paste into the To: field of your Outlook Web Email.
Boom! Everyone is emailed without being Bcc:ed!

 (PS, let me know if you have found any other SDS nuggets you would like me to share!)

Bonus tip – using the screen viewer in computer labs
If you are in a computer lab and need to see what is on the screens of your students (without getting out of your seat!), you can use the lab monitoring function that is set up for all the labs. To access this, go to the SMUS network menu (W7- Start Menu) folder (which should be on your desktop!), choose “faculty staff” and then “monitoring” and then pick your lab. You will then see a screen that shows thumbnails of each computer in the lab. Clicking on a thumbnail will give you a full screen view of that screen.
If you are logged into a school computer, this link might take you straight there: file:\\smus.local\dfs\smusmenu\w7-Start Menu\Programs\Faculty Staff\Monitoring

Bonus- bonus tip – filling in forms with required fields…
If you find yourself being asked to fill in a required field in a web page form, but you don’t have anything to say, a trick is to just enter a period. This should convince the form that you have answered the question (unless the form is really clever!)

These tips are now being archived at the following location in a blog format:

Also, please let me know if you have any tips you would like to share!


Mike Jackson, Science Teacher
Academic Technology Coordinator
St Michaels University School, Victoria, BC

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