Tuesday 15 December 2015

Weekly tech tip #9 - checking the SMUS SDS schedule/calendar

If you want to know what the official schedule is for a day, the best place to look is on SDS.

If you go to Staff Menu –Calendar – SMUS calendar and then click on the day of the month number (blue) (eg 11, 22 etc), it will show the events for that day and any timetable changes.

On a calendaring them, if you have an announcement (or event/resource booking) in the system, you can easily edit your announcement via Staff Menu – Calendar – Manage my calendar items

And lastly, the Academic schedule (Senior school only?)  item in the SDS calendar menu (https://sds.smus.ca/index.php?next_page=event/academic_schedule.php) shows you what is happening in these categories:

And by the way, sunsets are now getting later! The earliest sunset was on Dec 11th! If you want to know more about why the earliest sunset is not on the solstice (shortest day) have a look at: http://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/equation-of-time.html. You can see al the key “times” for Victoria here: http://www.timeanddate.com/sun/canada/victoria. Sunrise starts getting earlier around New Year’s eve, just in time for us to come back to school!

These tips are now being archived at the following location in a blog format: http://smustechtips.blogspot.ca

Also, please let me know if you have any tips you would like to share!

Michael Jackson, Academic Technology Coordinator
St Michaels University School

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Weekly tech tip #8 - releasing papercut print jobs - options

If you want to release a print job at any of the papercut printers on your campus, you can do so using your “student card”. However, there are a couple of other options also available:

<![if !supportLists]>1)      <![endif]>Download a barcode app. Many of us are using “Stocard” which is available for iOS and Android phones.
<![if !supportLists]>2)      <![endif]>Print out your barcode and keep it in a useful place (like your box in the workroom!). You can do that by going to the following page in SDS: https://sds.smus.ca/index.php?next_page=printing/papercut_barcode.php (found by going: Staff Menu-Teachers-My barcode) and printing the page that results.

By the way, these tips are now being archived at the following location in a blog format: http://smustechtips.blogspot.ca
Also, please let me know if you have any tips you would like to share!
PS, I think I missed a week! J