Friday, 7 December 2018

Non Tech Tip (#56) - seasonal astronomy

It is time for my seasonal astronomy "non tech tip". Some of this post is a repeat of last year's one, but I have made some updates.


As we approach the December solstice on the 21st at 2:22 PMPST ( it might be good to know that the coming season is the shortest of the four! ( due to the Earth being closer and moving faster (fun physics!) than in summer. Our spring and summer are a few days longer than our fall and winter! 

Another strange seasonal fact is that sunsets are slightly longer at the solstices than at the equinoxes ( due to the angle of the sun's path to the horizon. At our latitude the sun will take more than 4 minutes to set at the winter solstice. Where I am off to next week, the sun sets in just over 2 minutes! 

The earliest sunset in Victoria will be next week (Dec 11, 4:18 PM) and we will have the latest sunrise right around the New Year (8:05 AM) - in time for return to school!

The shortest day in Victoria is still the 21st at 8 hours 18 minutes and 36 seconds! (almost 8 hours less than in June!) (

For the latter part of December, I will be in Antarctica where the day may be almost 20 hours long on December 21st

Have a wonderful holiday season! Make the best of those brief daylight hours! 

Let me know if you have any questions or would like more information.


These tips are now being archived at the following location in a blog format:

You can see a list of all the tips here:


Also, please let me know if you have any tips you would like to share!



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