Wednesday 5 December 2018

SMUS Tech Tip # 55 -starting tech tips again

It has been almost a year (December 18 2017) since I last sent out a tech tip – somehow these slipped off my radar! My goal is to send these out regularly again.


I thought I would start with a list of the previous fifty or so tips:

Non Tech tip #54 - seasonal astronomy news

Tech Tip #53 - 5 Google search tips

Tech tip #52 - Sharing calendars in Outlook/Google

Tech tip #51 - Google Classroom Updates

Tech tip #50 - cloud storage (and some astronomy stuff!)

Tech tip #49 - Finding free usable images (and today's supermoon)

(Not) Tech tip #48 - The great American eclipse August 21, 2017

Tech tip #47 - Microsoft Office and Adobe Creative Suite software for teachers

Tech tip # 46 - Off-line maps for travelling with your phone or tablet

Tech tip #45 - new photocopier tips

Tech tip #44 - Pro D day materials

Tech tip #43 - Google Classroom

Tech tip #42 - Some Google slides features and updates

Tech Tip #41 - SDS updates

Tech tip #40 - filling in PDF forms (and some sunny stuff!)

Tech tip #39 - what does the XXX key do?

non tech tip - Sunsets are now getting later! (though the days are still getting shorter)

Tech tip # 38 - network start menu folder

Tech tip #37 - Making photo slide shows with PowerPoint

Tech tip #36 - Remote desktop access to SMUS network

tech tip #35 - the dangers of autocomplete

Tech tip #34 - The Windows 10 menu (and the tiles will be going!)

tech tip #33 - finding large files/folders with windirstat

Tech tip #32 - tech tip # 2 repeat - how to fix your blank screen

tech tip #31 - Youtube tips

Tech tip 30 - Wireless display

Tech tip # 29 - SDS - finding out who is free or teaching

tip #28 - uploading and converting Google docs

tech tip # 27 - practical ed tech guide

tech tip # 26 configuring Windows 10

Tech tip #25 Getting a high resolution digital copy of your school photo

Tech Tip # 24 - saving/printing a Google doc with comments

Tech tip #23 - Acrobat(ics)

Tech tip #22 - last year's tech tips

June Solstice - non tech tip

Tech tip #21 - to clutter or not to clutter?

Tech tip #20 -SDS email tip and more

Tech tip #19 - Google Slides

Tech tip #18 -Chrome tips

Tech tip #17 - apps and web tools for the classroom

tech tip #16 - projector tips

Tech Tip #15 - sharing documents with Google Drive

Images for Google Drive sharing post #15

Tech tip #14 - Email suggestions

Weekly tech tip #13 - searching for stuff

Weekly tech tip #12 - (and morning planets!)

Weekly tech tip #11 - I am locked out of my account

Weekly tech tip # 10 - tab, tab, tabbing away

Weekly tech tip #9 - checking the SMUS SDS schedule/calendar

Weekly tech tip #8 - releasing papercut print jobs - options

Weekly Tech tip #7 - searching when there is no search bar

Weekly tech tip #6 - Logging in and out of Chrome

Weekly tech tip #5 - my google drive does not work properly

Weekly tech tip #4: my shortcut doesn't work any more

Weekly tech tip #3: Copy/Cut/Paste - CTRL-C/X/P

Weekly tech tip #2: My classroom screen is black/blank

Weekly tech tip #1: If Chrome won't start for you



Let me know if you have any questions or would like more information.


These tips are now being archived at the following location in a blog format:


You can see a list of all the tips here:


Also, please let me know if you have any tips you would like to share!



Mike Jackson, Science Teacher

Senior School Technology Coordinator

St Michaels University School, Victoria, BC


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